The focus of the Teaching and Learning Department in the Sweet Home School District is to improve teaching and learning. The primary responsibilities of the department include curriculum, textbook adoption, alignment of the curriculum K-12, and providing focused staff development opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills to better serve all students. Our teachers in this district are extremely talented. It is our responsibility to provide opportunities for teachers to dialog with each other about teaching and learning and to provide training opportunities to ensure that teacher skills are the best they can be.
School Closure Activities and Resources
Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- PLC Form Links
- Meeting Process
- Where do we begin
- Cultural Shifts
- Critical Issues
- Developing PLC Norms
- Singletons and Small Schools
- The Seven Stages of Professional Learning Teams
- The Futility
- One Step at a Time
Response to Intervention (RTI)
- Student Success Team (SST) Handbook
- SST Referral Process Video
- SST Facilitator Guide
- SST flowchart
- SST Talking Points
- SST Referral Form
- SST Action Plan
- RTI whitepaper
- Unpacking Standards
- Unpacking Standards practice
- Academic Content Standards
- Unpacking Standards Leads to Confidence
- CCSS Math Progressions
- CCSS for ELA and Literacy Vertical Alignment (1)
ELA Power Standards
Math Power Standards
- 23/24 Assessment Dates
- Balanced Assessment System
- Right Assessment/Right Purpose
- 60 formative assessments
- Seven Actions for Assessment Literacy
- Assessment Basics Sweet Home
- Common Formative Assessments
- OSAS Testing Website
Instructional Technology
- National Technology Standards for Administrators
- National Technology Standards for Teachers
- National Technology Standards for Students
- Oregon Technology Standards
- SAMR: Transforming Student Learning
English Learner Services
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
- Positive Behavior Intervention & Support Page
- PBIS Schoolwide Evaluation Tool
- ACES and PBIS Powerpoints
- SHSD PBIS bus lessons
Professional Development
Beginning Teacher Program
- Coming Soon
Current Adoptions
Title 1
Barbi Riggs, Director of Teaching & Learning
Phone: 541-367-7175
Fax: 541-367-7104
Shauna McIntyre, Secretary – Teaching and Learning
Phone: 541-367-7110
Fax: 541-367-7104
Michelle Bidwell, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Phone: 541-367-7198
Fax: 541-367-7104
Jennifer Ashcraft, English Language Learning
Phone: 541-367-7626