All students at Sweet Home Junior High may participate in the following sports: volleyball, football, girls basketball, boys basketball, wrestling, dance team and track.

2024-25 SHJH Sport Season Calendar

  • Fall Season: September 3rd thru October 25th
  • Winter Season 1: October 28th thru January 10th 2025
  • Winter Season 2: January 21st thru March 10th
  • Spring Season: March 10th thru May 9th

SHJH Sport Schedules


Student athletes must maintain the following criteria to participate in contests:

  • attend school on the day of the contest
  • maintain a 2.0 GPA
  • have no F’s

At the beginning of each season, the following items are required for students to begin participation in practice:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Current physical (within the last 2 years)
  • Participation fee: all athletic programs are free for the 2021-2022 school year

If your child has not had a physical in the last 2 year, he/she must also have completed a medical physical before being allowed to attend practice for any sport.  Free or Low-cost Sports Physicals are held the our area periodically during the year.  Notice will be posted on the school’s Facebook page and school calendar.